Kruger National Park
Shishangeni Lodge: Kruger National Park
I thought it would be cool to share a bush story that was left in our room, along with a chocolate on our pillow, the first night we stayed at the Lodge. It is a story reported to be passed down from generation to generation to help understand the animals, the bush and our place in it.
( A Ndebele fable)
In the beginning, Serval used to be the same tawny colour as Lion, but he was much smaller and or where near as strong. The other animals often teased him, calling him “Lion’s little Cousin.” Serval dreamed of having magnificent coast like Leopard or Zebra. If he could not be big and strong he could at least be handsome.
One day when Serval was going on his daily hunt he met Puff Adder. “Oh kind Serval,” pleaded Puff Adder, “I am feeling very ill and none of the other animals will help me.”
And, as you can see they ranged from Giraffe to Bustard to Water Buffalo to Warthog (Susie's favourite) to Cheetah who watched from the hill and Mr. Elephant.

“No wonder!” Exclaim Serval. “You are such a nasty creature that all the animals go in fear of you. But because you are ill, I will help you this once. But you must promise to keep your fangs to yourself!”
Puff Adder agreed willingly to be on his best behaviour, so Serval took him home and looked after him. It took a long time for Puff Adder to get better as he was indeed very ill. Thanks mainly to Serval’s care and attention he eventually recovered.
Before Puff Adder left, he thanked Serval for his kindness. To show his gratitude, he said, “I will give you anything within my power in return for your kindness.”
Serval replied, “There is nothing I would like more than a beautiful coat.”
“That I can do,” answered Puff adder. “I will have to bite you, but do not fear that my poison will harm you. It will only be a small amount.”
So uff Adder bit Serval carefully. Though it made Serval feel a bit sick he quickly recovered. Soon his skin broke out in a rash and his tawny coast changed to a golden colour mottled with black spots. Serval was overjoyed. He was now one of the most handsome creatures in the bush.
And, as a sign of respect for each other, Puff Adder and Serval do not trouble each other to this day.
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