Visit to Atzompa
One afternoon Julie and I visited Irma Blanco in her garden nestled in the village of Atzompa. Irma uses natural clay for her whimsical figurines. If you look closely at these ornately decorated figures they are highly imaginative, many of which include animals playing musical instruments. More than just an artist's studio this is where Irma's family lives and her whimsy shows through in how she and her family have decorated their garden. It also demonstrates their deep and abiding faith.
Irma is a warm hearted happy person who was delighted that we just stopped by. She insisted we eat her home made tamales, specially made for her family's Day of the Dead celebrations. The photo below shows a figuring taller than Irma as well illustrating Imra's seemingly perpetual smile.
The above figurine, Senorita Juanita de Rana now lives on our deck.
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