Day One

Landed.  Totally spaced out after the all night flight from La.  And the day went from there....

First the good news.  My Costa Rican cell works just fine with a $20 update for 3 months.  Done lickty split. Jose Enrique (the wonderful young and good looking nephew of Marisella) met me at the airport and took my larger suitcase to keep whilst I headed off to the Caribbean coast.  My driver also arrived on time and before that I even had time to have fresh fruitas and cafe con leche at the airport restaurant.
(MG: if you are reading this the cafe con leche is a wonderful as we remember!!!)

More good news, my driver has a sense of humour and while driving like most Costa Ricans - passing in the face of on coming cars - he was charming and fun to talk Spanglish with, each of us struggling but enjoying the company.  Exhausted but am I thinking I am seriously on a roll.

Arrived in Puerto Viejo around 1:30 today.  Long four hour trip from the airport through rain forest and some pretty ugly wayside towns, Dole and DelMonte banana plantations and seemingly endless tire shops.  No wonder given the potholes in the highway.  Finally....landed. Wonderful quiet high end resort across the road from a long unpopulated black sand beach (playa negro).  There is a definite Caribbean influence here. Lots of mix race folks, all shades, shapes and languages.  And music!  Wow, it is everywhere.  Also tons of old hippies and wanna be hippies and European backpackers walking the streets. I have a  lovely palapa with a great shower and delicious porch with a net hammock.  Quiet.  I can head a Toucan in the forest and some twittering I can't identify. 

Now the bad news.  This is my Sierra moment (no offense darling, it is just that you have paved the way). My Ipad took a walk.  Not sure where but probably I forgot to put it in my backpack on the airplane when we landed.  At least that is what I can piece together with my muddled brain.  I figure I was spaced (as I said above) and I thought I put my ipad in my backpack but it secretly was hiding alongside the console.  Meanwhile the hotel staff have been wonderful trying to contact Delta and the Airport but Delta, indifferent, and the Airport, no answer, assure me that I am dreaming in technicolour that I can find it.  And, anyway, why am I obsessing about a thing when Omar's good friend, Tyrone, has just lost his dad. 
so, I went to the pool

drank way too much


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