Saturday morning

Another week.  Im home this morning and the birds woke me up.  My early bird is a rufous and white wren.  It has the sweetest song, almost like a human whistling.  Took me a long time to figure out what it was because the song is soooo ooo ooo much larger than thie bird.  I kept looking for this large creature but there it was under my nose singing away each morning.  

And then there are the toucans who do a fly by between 7 and 7:30 in the morning.  At first I thought they were Great Tailed Grackes because their song is so racous but the other morning I saw a fly by and there they were! Qute wonderful and noisy! 
And then to round out the morning's chorus are the brown jays.  Loud and always around. Poor things they are so ugly compared to their neighbours but they hang out on the lower branches of the trees and call out a warning as one passes by.  And, there are so many more.  I wish I knew their songs so i couod figure out what the music comes from, but oh what an orchestra they are. 

Well, off to the day.....


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