Zinna Is Missing

Tuesdays are my Spanish class after school.  Today there was no Zinna (my teacher) which is kinda good because I actually have some time to sit and write what's been happening this past week.  Wow!  Time is flying by and it's crazy busy. So, here are the news.....

Glenn arrived last Thursday and we promptly met up with the Canadian contingent for drinks on the deck of one of the local restaurants.
The first drink in Costa Rica

Sunset in Monteverde


For those who may not know Glenn, he is a dear friend who has come to visit me in Monteverde and to build a new composting area for Friends School.  Thus, Friday we walked all over Santa Elena (the regional town) looking for building supplies and tools.  I found stores I had never seen before, especially in the out of the way corners of the town.  The good news is that most of the supplies we ordered actually arrived at the school Monday morning so work started right away.

Meanwhile we spent Saturday at a reserve walking along the canopy bridges and ziplining!  See below.

Here we are all ready to go

Tarzan (heheh)

In this photo I am terrified, exhilarated and on the edge.  It was scary but loads of fun.  The longest run was 1klm.  We had to do it as a twosome.  I was in front and the wind in my face was unlike anything I have experienced - way faster than skiing. 

ferns galore on the forest floor

close up in the rain forest
It is always a surprise in the rain forest to see colour other than green.  The above photo is of fruits of some kind. The one the left I called Pom Poms.

bright orange flower with yellow centre

Heard loads of birds but didn't see many and we certainly didn't see the Quetzal although several of the naturalists guiding groups told us they had seen some the day before.

This year I've tried to get more close up photos of the vegetation because the variety, shapes, sizes of the leaves is so impressive in a tropical rain forest.


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