The week of the compost bin was so busy that I simply didn't have time to write about the events. That and the internet didn't work at my casita for several days. Well, here is the story.
Glenn arrived for a visit saying he wanted to do a project while he was visiting me in Monteverde. Before he arrived I discussed options with MFS staff and there was agreement (keep in mind the Quakes operate by consensus whenever possible) that the school needed a new composting area and a set of three bins.
Last year the science teacher thought using plastic bins with holes drilled in them would be successful composting tools but, in fact, maggots and flies and other flying insects loved the bins, the kids hated them and the food did not decompose. So, I went online to look for wooden bins that would hold up in the rainforest. Various members of the Meeting's Grounds Committee weighed in, as in "Pisoti will get in if there isn't wire (Pisoti are like racoons with a snout) and it needs a front because the dogs will pull out food.
Plans were made and I bought treated wood in advance of Glenn's arrival only to realize, of course, he had a much more sensible and simple plan and as mentioned in a previous post off we went his first day here to find tools so he could build.
Surprisingly all the wood arrived on time. I was told that it was only a 50% chance it would so everybody was pleased. Unfortunately my order wasn't exactly what I ordered (my Spanish I figure) but we had enough wood to do start and Glenn raided the old wood pile and found the rest of what he needed. Lots of long hours and four days later, a new compost unit was built, with wire on the inside, wood on the outside and it has a tin roof. Worms are to be delivered this week and I hope to have the big move from the smelly blue barrels to this new system on Thursday, if possible.
This is the finished three bins compost area - one bin for each year |
No animal is getting in this sucker! |
The worker |
This was where the old compost bins were |
The initial posts and internal wire mesh |
Photos to come of the great move.
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