This is Africa

Life is wonderful here, life is complicated here, and life doesn't make sense here, at least by North American standards.

The life is wonderful part is that we spent a week on the beach over Christmas.  The water was warm, the food was amazing. There was yoga everyday and Sierra gave me a surprise 80th birthday party with my Mozambican and San Diego extended family. The week was about as much fun as I have ever had.  I even had my own little cabin at the end of the row that was so quiet  I could hear the birds and waves as the sun rose. 

And, because life is complicated here yes, I fell and fractured my ankle. I am in a cast and on crutches.  I get a boot on Friday so I am hoping that I will be able to move more easily.  That said I am told to stay off my foot for 6 weeks which definitely puts a crimp into plans for the next month or so.  At least I don't need surgery so I dont have to head back to Canada.  Also, Sierra (ever the careful doctor) sent my xrays to her orthopaedic colleagues in New York to make sure the treatment here is appropriate so we are both now comfortable.

Note:  I was not in a hurry.  It was a freak accident. I slipped on a wet step (that did not look wet) and fell. It was comical and I thought I just bruised myself.  alas.  I have osteoporosis and even though I've had a shot that is supposed to strengthen my bones it hasn't that much I guess.

However, before I knew I fractured my ankle (thought it was just sprained) we attended two of the most fun New Years Eve parties I have been to since my Grateful Dead New Years Eve extravaganzas.  The first one was a dinner at a fancy hotel hosted by the American Ambassador and his wife.  There were two tables of us in a much larger room and while the food was indifferent the wine was good and flowed.  

Sierra, the Ambassador Peter and his wife, Johnette 

This was the on the outside patio where we danced later in the evening and where the fireworks were exploded overhead. 

While it was exciting to be so close to the explosions it was seriously dangerous.  There is a reason why fireworks are lit over the water on a barge!!!  That said it was that same kind of excitement that happened when that crazy pyrotechnic guy lit fireworks (smaller in size to be sure) off the stage at a GD New Years Eve concert.

the jazz band inside during dinner

The second party we attended was at the home of some of Sierra's friends (who we rounded up and took back to the Ambassador's event for the fireworks).  They have a rooftop that looked over the city that, as you can see, had such an amazing view of the bridge that the Chinese built (you wouldn't believe the infrastructure they have created in this country) and of the bay that is on one side of Maputo.  

We had so much fun getting "dolled up" as my mother used to say.  You can see my foot is bandaged and I did dance on it which likely didn't help.
the two coolest babes at the party

Now for the TIA stuff that simply doesn't make sense:

Sierra has a gorgeous house and she pays alot for it.  The power went out, in fact I was here and saw an arc of lightening along the power lines into the house.  And, its 220, not 110 voltage. It will kill ya, no question.  Well all the appliances that were plugged in burned out with the exception of the fridge that had a voltage protector on it (which burned out). All the air conditioners, the water pump, 3 voltage converters, my computer cord, the Apple Airport and worst of all, the Nespresso machine.  The owner and property manager were called and for 5 days there was no response.  The power company was called and they came and fixed the power to the house but refused to come into the house to assess the damage.   Needless to say, Sierra immediately called the electrician to come fix some of the 4 burned out air condionters (its 30c+) and the water pump.  Yesterday the owner finally called and got huffy that she moved ahead because he said the power company had to assess the damage....he went on to say, This IS Africa....as if living without water for 5 days is an option. And, my question is "where was the property manager" and how come there is no back up system? 

OMG and I think BC Hydro is difficult by times.


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