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 Home in Maputo

I can't remember if I have shared any photos of Sierra's home in my previous posts but since last year there are a number of new additions, notably the Swahili inspired bed/swing in the living room and all the new plants.  Here is a sample:

This first photo is taken on the landing that heads toward the second story which you can see reflected in the glass (it's one-way glass that looks out at the neighbour's garage).  The plants are a lovely natural screen. the most recent acquisitions came via a garage sale of expats who are moving to the next post

This photo is taken from my bedroom's balcony early one of the really hot hot hot days we had last week (it was 30c at 10 a.m. that day and went to 38....).  One of the nice features of this property is the view to the Indian Ocean and often there is a breeze off the water in the afternoon.  One of the many TIA aspects of this house is that while there are many doors that open to the sea facing east, there are none that open west to create a cross breeze so we often bake in the house.  At least the patio is cool(ish).

The photo to the right is my bedroom. Mosquito nets are required. Malaria is here, endemic I am told. I've spent a great deal of time in this room on this trip. It is easy to lie on the bed and read during the day.

This is a shot of the living room that looks out to the patio on the right and pool on the left.  It is missing a carpet by the Swahili inspired bed/swing.  It was the site of a "it was an accident Mama" event.  The carpet was taken to the cleaners to get a new life and has yet to be rescued.

This is the view from the dining area. Again, Sierra has used plants to hide the ugly bits and bring a green living theme to a very white house.  

On a cleaning note, and because the house and all the downstairs floors are white, its a really good thing that Sierra has the world's best Empregada.  (maid) She is in constant motion, cleaning, washing, cleaning, fixing Khi's breakfast and lunches and starting our dinners, ironing, helping me shower and dress.  Mostly keeping the house running on all levels.  She is incredibly kind and patient.  I adore her.

The photo below was taken by Khi. He has discovered how to take pictures from my iphone without opening it. I have to delete hundreds of photos so now guard my phone like a hawk....

Well, all for today.  We are planning a trip to the South African border this weekend for a visa run (don't get me started on the byzantine immigration system in this country).  And, after I get my cast off - just before I start my trek home- we are booked to visit Cape Town. My job is to find and purchase tickets so off I go but before I do here is where I have set up my computer (its Sierra's office)


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